Buddy Amoroso to Seek Open House Seat
Freshman Metro Councilman Buddy Amoroso told members of the Chamber of Commerce of East Baton Rouge that he intends to seek the House seat being vacated by Rep. Hunter Greene, who was elected Family Court Judge on Nov. 4.
A special election has been called for Saturday, Feb. 21 with a runoff if necessary on March 28. The winner will take office in time to serve in the regular legislative session this spring. In the election this fall, fhe voters will elect someone to serve a full four-year term. Susan Nelson, no party, a leader of the anti-St.George movement qualified Wednesday. Two others are considering the race — former Metro Councilman Darrell Ourso and Rick Bond.
Amoroso told the Chamber EBR:
• “After Dec. 6, there are no Democrats in statewide elected office in Louisiana.”
• “I believe in free markets, the right to keep and bear arms, a strong U.S. military, and the right to life.”
• “I support the right of people in St. George to incorporate if they desire. I also support the right to work law, and I oppose sexual identity laws like that proposed at the Metro Council.”
• “Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words.”
• “Sometimes I have been the lone voice on the Council.”
• “I was Tea Party before there was a Tea Party.” Amoroso was co-chairman of Taxbusters in the 1990’s.
• “The Capital Region is on the verge of a boom, but Baton Rouge may not fully benefit. The good old boys have held us back. We still have serious traffic problems and poor public schools.”
• “Baton Rouge’s education system is failing. We need competition in education. That includes charter schools and vouchers. On the other hand, Common Core is a complete disaster. I believe in high standards and excellence in education, but it is not the answer.”
• “Taxpayers need to be protected and that means cutting the budget and saving money.”
• “The typical Baton Rouge student is two years behind the national average. We’re failing parents, children, and the business community.”
• “Our poor public education system in this parish has been responsible for the economic growth of Livingston and Ascension parishes. A strong independent school system such as in Zachary and Central is the best way to keep families in this parish.”
• “I believe in the right to keep and bear arms. My wife has a concealed carry permit. We believe in the right of self-defense.”
• “Join with me and be part of a better vision for Louisiana.”
Amoroso has already been endorsed by the Louisiana Association of Business & Industry.
His website is www.buddyamoroso.com.
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