Electoral College Votes for Trump
For a few minutes on Monday, Dec. 19, eight Louisianians were among the most powerful people in the world, because they had the absolute power to elect the next President of the United States. Under the U. S. Constitution, the voters choose electors, and the electors choose the President.
During ceremonies in the Senate chamber of the State Capitol in Baton Rouge, all eight of Louisiana’s members of the Electoral College cast their votes in accordance with the wishes of the voters here who overwhelmingly chose Republican Donald J. Trump.
Although members of the Electoral College received thousands of emails asking them to violate their pledge to Trump, none did so. Demonstrators outside the Capitol also failed to move the electors.
Secretary of State Tom Schedler called the meeting of the electors to order and administered their oaths. Charlie Buckles of Lafayette was elected chairman of the delegation. Buckles is a 1963 graduate of Istrouma High School. He is the only Istrouma graduate ever to serve as an elector.
Top party officials including Republican state chairman Roger Villere and executive director Jason Dore were present to witness the event, as were members of the media and some state legislators. The Capitol was decorated for Christmas.
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