Carolyn Hill Is Best Choice for State Senate in Feb. 15 Election

Voters in Baton Rouge and St. George will go to the polls Saturday, Feb. 15 to choose a successor to State Sen. Cleo Fields, who was elected to Congress.

The three candidates to replace Fields are Quentin Anderson, State Rep. Larry Selders and former BESE member Carolyn Hill, all Democrats.

Rep. Selders has a very liberal voting record in the Louisiana House and voted conservative only 23 percent of the time. Anderson is even farther left, supporting Planned Parenthood and opposing the 2nd Amendment

On the other hand, Carolyn Hill had a strong record as a conservative Democrat during her four years on BESE.  Three things stand out:

1- Carolyn Hill supports traditional Christian values, which puts her on the right side of the cultural issues so important in Louisiana .

2- She is tough on crime and can be expected to work with both Democrats and Republicans, including Coach Sid, on those issues.

3- Most importantly, Carolyn Hill loves people, is honest and hard working, and can be expected to do a capable job.

We have to admit disappointment in Rep. Selders, not only for his liberal record but also his performance on our roads and streets.

The Louisiana State Police report at right documents his receiving a DWI, which is bad enough.  So is reckless operation and driving with a suspended license.

However, the report (at right) documenting that he was caught doing burnouts is appalling.  

It would be bad enough if he did all this as a teenager. However, these events occurred two years ago when he was a 40-year-old member of the Louisiana House! This level of immaturity speaks volumes.

We strongly believe Carolyn Hill will be a sober, honest, hard-working member of the State Senate with traditional Christian values.  

We are proud to endorse Carolyn Hill for the State Senate Feb. 15.

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