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Distinguished Civil Service Director, 94

He had a distinguished career at the highest level of Louisiana state government, serving for years as director of the State Civil Service Commission, a post in some ways more powerful than the governor.  He was known as a man of impeccable character who could not be bought or intimidated. Not only that but a […]

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President George Bush As I Knew Him

The news that President Bush died put a lump in my throat as I began to remember all the many kindnesses he bestowed on my wife Diane and me and our family. He was a true and faithful friend! One of my favorite times was our trip with President Bush to Honduras in 1998 to […]

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Death of Young Marine from Central Leaves Community with Grief, Pride

For Central High head football coach Sid Edwards, the death of Taylor Conrad was deep and personal.  The world knows Lance Cpl. Conrad as a Marine, but Coach Sid knows him as one of his players, a player who made a special connection with the coach, who has two autistic boys. Taylor Conrad loved kids […]

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A Look Back at Buckskin Bill, an Icon Who Entertained Generations in EBR

EDITOR’S NOTE: Baton Rouge television icon Bill Black, or Buckskin Bill, as he was known, passed away last week after more than 60 years’ service to the Baton Rouge community.  Much has been written about Buckskin Bill since he died, but we wanted to offer a contemporary view of Buckskin when his show was in […]

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Coach Hill Left Legacy in Family, Students

Derrell V. Hill went to be with the Lord on Sunday, Sept. 24, 2017. He was born October 16, 1948 in Hammond. He was a member of Zoar Baptist Church, where he served as a Sunday School teacher and deacon. Derrell Hill was a 1966 graduate of Woodlawn High School and a graduate of LSU. […]

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