Coach Shocks Establishment
By the time of qualifying in July 2024, the Baton Rouge moneyed establishment and the local media decided that former Rep. Ted James was the leading candidate for Mayor-President. The establishment produced $1.1 million for James’ campaign.
Even after a strong Republican candidate in the form of Coach Sid Edwards entered the race on the last day of qualifying, the establishment and the media continued their narrative.
“Anyone would be better than Sharon,” they said, ignoring the fact that James had been Kamala Harris’ campaign manager and had a far-left voting record in the Louisiana Legislature.
They proceeded to produce a series of polls showing James gaining ground, then leading, and finally just two days before the Nov. 5 election, a poll showing him with over 40 percent of the vote.
But things didn’t go that way.
Coach Sid Edwards, the candidate the polls said would run last, ran a strong first, eliminating James and forcing incumbent Mayor Broome into an embarrassing runoff after getting only 31 percent of the vote. After eight years in office and only 31 percent for her,
Broome faces long odds Dec. 7
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