Early Voting Nov. 22 For Mayor-President
Political pundits talk about a “turnout election,” meaning an election which is close and where the energy and commitment of one candidate’s supporters is great enough to swing the election his way.
Of course, every election is about who goes to the polls, but a “turnout election” places the outcome squarely in the hands of the voters who can overcome polls and big money being spent by the other candidate.
If there were ever a potential “turnout election,” it will be the runoff for Mayor-President where Coach Sid Edwards who ran first in the primary, is challenging incumbent Mayor Sharon Broome.
Broome will have big money and the mainstream media behind her, but Coach Sid can still have a big victory if his supporters go to the polls and vote.
Early voting will start Friday, Nov. 22 and continue through Wednesday, Nov. 27, then break for Thanksgiving and Black Friday, and continue on Saturday, Nov. 30. The election is Dec. 7.
East Baton Rouge Parish has 143,450 white voters, or 48.8%, 130,638 black voters, or 44.5%, and 19,549 of other races, or 6.7%
Everyone should remind their friends and family to vote early at any of the other early voting locations. Early voting is from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. The election will be held Dec. 7 at your home precinct.
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