What a Difference Six Months Make
Six months ago, Coach Sid Edwards was a political unknown who was coaching football at Istrouma High School in the poorest part of Baton Rouge.
When he announced for Mayor-President in July just before the end of qualifying, the local daily newspaper dismissed his candidacy with a headline saying, “Homeless Wrestler, Transgender and Football Coach Enter Race.”
With a good name in the community but no money, Coach Sid was extremely underrated but undeterred. He passionately pursued his dream of being Mayor-President.
The experts and the money people mocked him. It was impossible for a Republican to win parishwide, they said, much less an unknown, underfunded candidate who had never run for office and hadn’t voted in eight years. Moreover, the incumbent had never lost a race in 36 years.
But the voters loved the man, and, more importantly, as he often said, God was in it from the beginning. He opened every door for Coach Sid and closed every door for his opponents.
His two well-established opponents each raised more than $1 million, while he started with only about $300 and spent only about $80,000 as late as a week before the first primary.
But it didn’t matter.
Coach Sid ran first in the Nov. 5 primary and easily defeated the incumbent on Dec. 7.
On Thursday, Jan. 2, 2025, Coach Sid Edwards took the oath of office as the 12th Mayor-President of East Baton Rouge Parish in ceremonies at the RiverCenter.
Many long-time fans of Coach Sid were not surprised at all.
His whole life has been spent doing the impossible.
An example: In 2011, when the Louisiana High School Athletic Association announced its final rankings for the season, Central was ranked No. 33, just missing the playoffs. Only the top 32 teams are chosen for the playoffs.
Then at the last minute, the numbers were recalculated, and Central moved into the No. 32 spot, because it had won the district championship. Unfortunately, in the first round of the state playoffs, the No. 32-ranked team plays the No. 1-ranked team. That year it was a powerhouse, undefeated St. Paul’s of Covington.
The game was scheduled at St. Paul’s, a big disadvantage.
Much to the surprise of the sports world in Louisiana, Central jumped off to a 20-0 lead. St. Paul’s was left reeling, and Central ultimately won 35-28.
It was the first time in history that a No. 32-ranked team had beaten the No. 1-ranked team.
All in a day’s work for Sid!
At the St. George Leader, on the last day of qualifying in July, we went online and predicted Coach Sid would run first in the primary and win in the runoff. It was all written in advance.
We were mocked too.
However, it all came to pass.
Now the story is just beginning, and there is much to be done.
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