Will You Take Coronavirus Vaccine?
A survey of readers of the Central City News showed deep distrust of coronavirus vaccines being rolled out this week. More than 400 readers participated in the online survey.
Readers were asked the question, “Do you plan to take a Covid vaccine. These were some of their responses:
•Kathleen Fasullo Byers – NOT!!
•Linda Miles Howard – No… we have a shot for the flu, still have the flu. Do not trust what they may or may not have put in this vaccine,
This vaccine will not stop this virus. It will be just like the flu vaccine. We will have to take it every year and people will still have to wear masks.
•Donnann Dillard Keith Bailey – Nope
•Barbara G Hickey – NO WAY.
•Kevin Russo – No indeed not.
•Mark Chambers – You first
•Michael A Gallegos – As grand-
ma said, “Try it on yourself first.”
•Adam Landry – I’m going to first in line. Already contacted my pharmacy.
•Dara Dake – Adam Landry those who know the least obey tyranny the best.
•Adam Landry – Dara Dake i really don’t care about what fake news and others say. I’m almost 78 years old and heart patient. I have nothing to lose.
•Susan Elam Williams – I don’t even get the flu shot!
•Ann Reynolds Bergeron – No.
•Sibil Brian – No sir!!
•Melissa M. Clark – Nope.
•Douglas Slaven – To me, all of this mess is just politics as usual.
•Susan Martin-Witherspoon – No
•PE Massey – No
•Rita Shelton Cannon – No
•Tina Blanchard – NO!!!!!
•Melanie Bergeron Simmons – No
•MikiandReagan Milton – No sir
•Monica Houtz Folse – Nope!
•Lisa Brecheen Payne – No
•Chris Clouatre – I’m going to let someone else take mine
•Jimbo James – No
•Christy Harper – Yes
•Jack Sonnemann – No
•Rita Jurey – Nope
•Jennifer and Jason Degraw – Nope
•Sandy Hloucal Davis – No
•Joseph Eccles – N-O
•Scott Bernard – Not
•Roxanne Alonzo Atkinson – No
•Warren Jr Holmes – 40 years of research and there’s no vaccine for HIV. At least 100 years of research and there’s no vaccine for cancer. No vaccine for the common cold. The flu vaccine is a joke. And yet, in one year, we have a vaccine for Covid-19 and you want me to take it?
•Gerald Parker – Yes, I take the flu vaccine. I am going to take this vaccine no big deal
•Shara Caballero – I was a firm no, at this moment I am not a firm no anymore. I’m undecided, like most I sure do not want to be the first one. I’m not anti vaccine, but I do not get the flu shot either.
•Pamela G Kogel – I say all the mask wearers preaching how we need to mask up should take it!!
•Angela Melilli Raphael – The question should be, will you take it, even if you’re not allowed to work or buy without it?
•Jeffrey Welsh – No way! From what I understand, it contains aborted fetus parts.
•Jennifer Bauman – No
•Lisa Watts – No. Interesting how we never hear of one flu case anymore…
•James Rick Berry – My wife was a firm no but funny thing has happened. She is day #10 of her bout with Covid. Having gone through the virus she swears she can’t do it again and now says she’ll be first in line. I’ve never been skittish about meds, so I’m not afraid of vaccine and would take it. Just for record I’m Conservative Republican. This may have been assisted by the government but the vaccines were put out by private companies and vetted by FDA.
•Dara Dake – Research RNA vaccines. The FDA approved the toxic chemical aspartame also. There are no cures for cancer, Parkinson’s, diabetes, tuberculosis, MS, ALS, Alzheimer’s, the common cold, etc. The blame and shame game is disrespectful and disgusting. Protect the vulnerable. Take personal responsibility for our own health and safety as we have for all the flu virus and virus seasons before this virus. How insane was it to put 40,000,000 Americans out of work and wrecked the economy for 330,000,00 Americans in an attempt to save people from a virus with the potential to kill thousands and thousands upon thousands with or without intervention? More people will die from domestic abuse, child abuse, suicide and hunger than will die from this virus. Did you hide in your house and wear a mask 24/7 during the 2017-2018 flu season that killed 89,000 Americans? Did you hide in your house and wear a mask during the 2009 pandemic that caused 60,000,000+ cases in the United States? Remember the panic and hysteria and unconstitutional shutdown and mask mandates? No, you don’t. Didn’t happen. We were “allowed” to take personal responsibility for our own health and safety. There are flu virus and virus vaccines and 29,000-80,000 Americans still die every year from the flu virus or virus. 40,000,000 babies have been aborted worldwide and no one bats an eye. People die from a virus and the world should be shutdown until people stop dying from the virus. Worse yet, shutdown the world until no one allegedly tests positive for the virus. This debacle has never been about the virus. You won’t understand until the next mandate is a forced Covid19 vaccination.
•Cecil Scotty Mac Carwile – Don’t take it then. I am. That’s my right to say yes as much as your right to say no.
• Jonny Doe – The people who are getting very sick from this virus probably aren’t being treated properly. There are too many reports of people being treated properly and feel better almost immediately. Look at POTUS and his family. Look at Giuliani. Stupid doctors that refuse to be puppets are largely responsible. As far as the vaccine…I’m not going to take anything nor allow my family take anything that has the potential to affect my RNA or cause sterility. If you don’t know about that you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to educate yourself on it because if you don’t think big pharma and FDA are corrupt, then you are probably still a sleeping sheep. That’s not American!
•Jim Decker – A new vaccine technology that’s already proved harmful to people with allergies rushed to market to be tested further upon humans to fight a virus with a 99.7 percent recovery rate by a pro eugenics billionaire. • Elizabeth Ann Terrio – Yes
•Tony Barger – Nope
•Michelle Desselle – If they mail it to me!! I’ll give it to myself and they can do paperwork just like the mail in ballots. Trust me!!!
•Darlene Shingleur – Nope
•Sherry Reed Burleigh – Yes
•James Cannon – No
•Anna Claire White Arnold – Yes
• Kristie Davis Bréard – Hell no
•Georgina Rose Santiago – Not!
• Libby Thom Adams – No
• Diane Duhon Covington – I might consider taking IF everyone in Congress takes it first!
•Georgina Rose Santiago – They are not stupid enough to take the shots and neither do any of them vaccinate their kids.
•Patsy M. Hutchinson – Yes
•Stephanie Dauzat Vollman- No, I don’t take flu shots either.
•Alan Howland II – Nope
•Randall Barksdale – Nope
• Barbara Lane – No, not I.
•Adam Mouton – no
•Fran Robinson – No and don’t take flu or any others either
•Jeff Gleason – Absolutely
•Lee Anne Turner – Nope!
•Denise McLaughlin Tucker – Yes yes yes
•Jessie Leger – Nope
•Kevin Thibodeaux – Nope
•Jerry Leggio – Not
•Tom Mackey – Daughter’s a doc — have no choice! I’m one of those dads who is wrapped around his daughter’s finger!
•James Devin Oneal – Nope
•Gregory Ffen – When pigs fly
•Cora Van Zyl – No
•Richard Brown – Yes, I will take it.
•Marilyn Goff – Yes, absolutely
•Patricia Gibson Cheek – No
•Rich Roth • The last time I took any vaccine was in the military which was between 30-40 years ago and because I had to. I do my best to maintain my health as a defense against pathogens.
•Terri Jo Easterly – No
•Gidget Johnson – Hell to the NO!
•Neal Simmons – Nope!
• Ralph McCorkle, Jr. – No sir.
•Janie Lipscomb – Assuming all the CDC verifications are done, I’ll take it … if my oncologist says to do so.
•Lindsey Williams Hornsby – Never.
•Helen Simon – Haha, never. Aborted baby boy roots, nano tracking devices, and rna which alters my DNA are reason enough. Sterility doesn’t apply to this 70-year-old woman, but that’s four reasons.
•Lennie Rhys – That would be NO
•Ryan Cross – Yes
•Barbara Mondart Funderburk
– No!!
•Taylor Henry – Yes.
•Connie Zimmermann – NOT
•Stephanie M. Spatz – Nooooo
•Deborah Dougherty – Absolutely not
•Donnie Calloway – Not
•Pam Gengo – Yes
•Don May – Nope
•Kristen W. Bright – Neg
•Paul Bethel – Nope
•Butch Miller – No!
•Carol Thomas – I concur with Lennie!
•Karen King Olsson – Never! It’s demonic!
•Faith Vinyard – Nope
•August Louis Chappuis – No
•Gidget Johnson – How many know that China is working with Pfizer on the vaccine? Still want to take it? https://www.biopharmadive.com/…/pfizer-lianbio…/589393/ Pfizer strikes a deal with newly formed China biotech biopharmadive.com • • Dawn Fournier – Yes
•Deven Webb Cavalier – No
•Andy Williams – Uh uh
•Joan Beduze – Nope
•Deborah Schulenberg Pratt – Y’all go first.
•Brenda West Birdwell – No
•Cindy Crenshaw Ratcliff – Absolutely not!!!!!
•Robert Hill – Nope
•Marcia Goodspeed Asch – No
•Debby Rowlett Mays – No
•Joyce S Alsup – No
•Ryan Jurey – Hell no!
•Debra Crifasi – How many know that China is working with Pfizer on the vaccine? Still want to take it?
•Camp Jas – NOPE
•Karen Galloway Mire – No!
•Lydia Guidroz Smith – Nope
•Monroe W. Courtney – When it comes my turn and it’s still considered safe. Yes
• Randy Holden – Not this little duck
•Ginger Corkern – No! Why would I trust them? Saw part of an interview yesterday where the person spearheading the vaccine distribution was asked if, since the U.S. is funding development, would we have first access. He gave some lame answer. Then, I hear that Britain received a huge shipment of vaccine from the US. They can be our lab rats. On the other hand, IF the vaccine works, is it being sent to other countries so “they” can keep us sick and shut down?
•Christine Laird Kirkland – Ginger Corkern, President Trump opted for 100 million doses. When he had a chance to up the number he chose not to increase quantity. EU is receiving 200 million doses.
•Clay Taylor – Nope
•David Asch – Naw.
•Russell White – Take an mRNA vaccine never before implemented on a population that has the potential to cause the body to reject a critical protein in procreation, i.e., potential sterilization. Nah. I will take my 99.5 percent chance that I will survive
•Marilyn Oufnac – Yes.
•Brian Drago – Not a chance in HELL!!!!
•Estelle McLain Russell – Depends on the outcome of the people that took it. By the time it is my turn to get it, there should be some data to make a decision.
•Lisa Michael Harmon – Not a chance
•Lisa Michelle Wheeler – Nope
•Debe Goree – Nope
•Darlene McCullough – No!!
•Brenda Payne – No
•Liz D’Antoni Payne – NO!
•DeLane Jenkins – Not a chance!
•Pat Wilkinson – No, fraid not
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