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The Future of Education in St. George

By Woody Jenkins, Editor, St. George Leader – Baton Rouge One of the  primary reasons for starting the City of St. George was to lay the foundation for the creation of an independent school district for the southeast part of the parish. In fact, when then-Sen. Bodi White began discussing the need for a new school […]

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City of St. George Won’t Need New Taxes

A high-ranking official of a company that administers privatized cities such as the City of Central says a computer model his firm uses indicates the revenues of the proposed City of St. George would be more than sufficient to cover its expenses without the need for additional taxes.   The official said, “The population of […]

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Court Decision Provides Strong Protection For Life Tabernacle, Churches Everywhere

The United States Supreme Court has issued an injunction prohibiting Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York from enforcing limits on attendance at churches and synagogues in New York.  The governor issued emergency orders creating zones and limiting church attendance to 10 or 25 persons depending on the zone.  However, in a 5-4 decision, the Supreme […]

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Will You Take Coronavirus Vaccine?

A survey of readers of the Central City News showed deep distrust of coronavirus vaccines being rolled out this week. More than 400 readers participated in the online survey.   Readers were asked the question, “Do you plan to take a Covid vaccine.  These were some of their responses: •Kathleen Fasullo Byers – NOT!! •Linda […]

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Opinion: Left Wants You to Live in Yesterday or Tomorrow, Not Today

The American economy is the greatest in the history of our country! Record low unemployment for all of our citizens.  The lowest unemployment rates in history for black Americans and women. Record high stock market. Business booming and getting better. People who are working have more money in their pockets that ever. Our gross domestic […]

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Pros and Cons of Const’l Amendments

When voters go to the polls on Nov. 6, 2018, they may be surprised to find they have a lot more to vote on besides the candidates running for statewide and local offices. Also included are six proposed statewide Constitutional amendments and one proposition, which will be on the ballot only in East Baton Rouge […]

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Graves’ Determination Pays Off

At the Lily Bayou Control Structure Wednesday, Congressman Garret Graves was doing what he does best — speaking passionately about a cause he believes in, in this case the Comite Diversion Canal. The scene was surreal. The day was blistering hot. The massive Lily Bayou structure, reminisent of the Panama Canal, sat there as it […]

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How Conservatives, NBR Leaders United To Stop BREC from Moving Zoo to SBR

If you have a few minutes, go to the AppStore on your iPhone and download a “QR Code Reader.”  It will allow you to point your phone at the QR code in the upper right of this article and click.  This will activate a video that will start playing on your phone.  This particular video […]

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How a Prominent Civil Rights Leader, Acie Belton, Set in Motion St. George

People in Baton Rouge should open their minds to the idea of incorporating the new City of St. George, especially when we realize how it all got started. In Louisiana, any community of 300 or more people anywhere in the state outside an incorporated municipality has the right to file a petition calling for an […]

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After Today, You Will Never Look at a Newspaper The Same Way Again: Welcome to the 21st Century!

It’s really quite obvious, isn’t it?  Newspapers have to compete with television, radio, and cable.  Even more to the point, they have to compete with computers, the Internet, smartphones and every manner of new device. So newspapers have to change — or die. Well, this newspaper is not going to die! Rather, we will be […]

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