Judge Kelly Balfour for 1st Circuit

 District Judge Kelly Balfour has announced his candidacy for the 1st Circuit Court of Appeal in the Nov. 5 election.

He attended LSU and upon graduation worked at the Louisiana Legislature. He graduated from LSU Law Center in 2001 and maintained a general trial practice representing both plaintiffs and defendants in a wide range of matters in both civil and criminal courts for close to 20 years.  He was active in the Louisiana Bar Association serving in the House of Delegates and on the Nominating Committee.  

He was also active in the Baton Rouge Bar Association and served on their Board of Directors.  He was the recipient of the 2008 Michaelle Pitard Wynne Professionalism Award given by the State Bar.

Balfour was elected to an open seat on the 19th Judicial District Court in 2019.  He is active in the Louisiana District Judges’ Association, serving as Legislative Liaison and as Board Secretary.  

He also works as an assistant grader of the Louisiana Bar Exam, is a guest lecturer at the LSU Law Center, and a guest lecturer with the Louisiana Judicial College and numerous CLEs.  

Judge Balfour is currently Deputy Chief Judge over the Civil Section of the 19th JDC and serves as the Deputy Presiding Judge for both the Recovery Court (formerly Drug Court) and the newly-created Complex Litigation Section.  

He is married and has three children and enjoys his role within the judiciary ensuring that fairness and justice are available to all. 

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