Mayor Yates Explains to Press Club How St. George Will Be DifferentMayor Yates Explains to Press Club
St. George Mayor Dustin Yates told the Baton Rouge Press Club this week that St. George will be a very different kind of city.
Importantly, almost all city services will be provided by a private company, he said. One of the first privatized cities in the United States was Sandy Springs, GA. The only such city in Louisiana is the City of Central.
Because services will be provided by a private company, St. George will have few city employees and will not incur long-term obligations such as retirement and health insurance for retirees.
Mayor Yates said if existing cities had the choice, almost all would choose this route too.
He said the St. George Transition District, the City Council, and he have been working on a request for proposals in order to engage a firm capable of providing city serves.
He explained that many services will be unaffected by incorporation such as law enforcement through the Sheriff’s office, animal control, library, BREC, EMS, and the fire department. However, the City of St. George will be responsible for city streets, maintenance, and some drainage.
The mayor outlined the many things the City of St. George has already accomplished, including adopting a code of ordinances.
Planning and zoning and issuance of building permits will be important responsibilities of the new city, he said. In fact, members of the City of St. George Planning & Zoning Commission have been appointed, and the commission has held its first meeting and is now functioning.
The mayor said a Charter Commission has been appointed to consider the form of government the city will take. Under state law, new municipalities are governed by the Lawrason Act. However, a city can go through the process of establishing a Charter Commission to propose a unique form of government for the city.
The mayor said the Charter Commission hopes to have a proposal for voters to consider at the time of the municipal elections in March 2025.
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