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Vote on Tax Transfer Dec. 7

By Woody Jenkins, Editor, St. George Leader – Baton Rouge In its second official meeting on Monday, July 8, the St. George City Council took an important step toward securing the new city’s financial base by calling a tax transfer election for Saturday, Dec. 7. The election would authorize the existing 2 percent parish sales tax […]

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Brittany Jorden Seeking City Judge

Asst. District Atty. Brittany Bryant Jorden announced her candidacy for Baton Rouge City Court Judge in Division C, a seat currently held by Judge Johnell Matthews. Judge Matthews will not seek re-election so the seat is open, and the election will be held Nov. 5. “As an experienced Senior Felony Asst. D.A., I have been […]

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Louisiana Supreme Court Recognizes City of St. George

Nearly five years after the voters of the proposed City of St. George voted to incorporate, the Louisiana Supreme Court gave them a historic victory. On Friday, April 26, 2024, in a 4-3 decision, the high court dismissed the suit filed by Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome and ruled organizers of the proposed city had met […]

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Republican Parish Executive Committee

Under state law, the Republican Party is governed at the parish level by the East Baton Rouge Republican Parish Executive Committee.   Louisiana law provides that the committee will be composed of 17 members — five elected parishwide and 12 elected from the 12 Metro Council districts.  Members are elected by Republican voters at the […]

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