What Would Be Taxed by Plan Jindal Proposes

What Would Be Taxed by Plan Jindal Proposes

BATON ROUGE — Details of Gov. Bobby Jindal’s tax plan are still sketchy, but the Governor’s office last week released a document which said the following professional, business, and personal services would be subject to a new 5.88 percent state sales tax.  In general, services are not currently subject to sales taxes.
The list includes:
•    Accounting, tax preparation, and bookkeeping
•    Architects and engineers
•    Design services
•    Computer programming
•    Management and consulting services
•    Scientific and development services
•    Advertising (the Governor’s office later said only the “creative” portion of advertising services, not the ad buy)
•    Photography services
•    Veterinary services
•    All other miscellaneous professional services
•    Employment services
•    Travel services
•    Office administrative services
•    Facilities support services
•    Business support services
•    Services to buildings and dwellings
•    Other support services
•    Cable
•    Insurance
•    Agriculture services
•    Personal care services
•    Other personal services.
Business subject to this new tax would file a monthly tax return and pay 5.88 percent of their gross revenue to the state.
Services to be taxed include yard care, maid services, hair cuts, and many others.

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