Congressman Says Future of Country at Stake Nov. 6

Congressman Says Future of Country at Stake Nov. 6

Cassidy Takes Hard Line on Obama

BATON ROUGE — Congressman Bill Cassidy (R-Baton Rouge) said Tuesday the election Nov. 6 will provide Americans with a stark choice — between the launch of a new American century and the danger of losing the country’s freedom.  Cassidy spoke to the monthly membership meeting of the new Chamber of Commerce of East Baton Rouge Parish at Café Américain on Jefferson Highway.The local physician who was first elected in 2008 is seeking his third term in Congress next Tuesday.  His seat is considered safe, and he has only Libertarian and Independent opponents.Cassidy said he was impressed by the great crowd in attendance and the energy and excitement he found in the new Chamber.

The reelection of President Obama would lead to less freedom, higher taxes, and a corporate state form of government, he said.

Cassidy said three of the most important issues facing the country are:

• Debt and deficits

• Getting the economy going

• Health care

Dr. Cassidy came to the meeting straight from seeing a patient.

Here are some of the congressman’s observations:

• In 1970, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid represented only a small part of the federal budget but, at the current rate, it will be 100 percent of the federal budget within 18 years.  Obviously, that cannot be allowed to happen.

• The new health care law, or Obamacare, has set the stage for an explosion of debt.

• Medicare will be bankrupt in the next 12 years, but Obama is ignoring the problem.

Cassidy said America relies on private insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid.  “Unfortunately, Obamacare makes all three of these unsustainable.”

Cassidy said health care decisions should be made by the average family — not by Washington bureaucrats.

“I grew up on Drusilla Lane.  My family made a lot of health care decisions.  I have seen nothing that suggests that Washington could make better health care decisions than the average family can make.  Certainly, no program in Washington saves money.” Regarding the economy, Congressman Cassidy held up a copy of the Oct. 18 edition of the Capital City News and pointed to the headline that says, “Coming Boom.”

“This is amazing!” he said.  “The solution to our problems is to grow the economy.  Today our state is blessed with an abundance of natural gas, and this is creating enormous opportunities.”

“Because of the abundance and low cost of natural gas, major industries are re-opening plants in Louisiana.  You can tell a lot about the prosperity of a place by the number of cranes that are working.”

“Obama acknowledges that natural gas adds to our economic rejuvenation but his policies endanger the production and use of natural gas.”

“He would like to shut down coal-fired plants.”

“The President slowed exploration on the outer continental shelf and has stopped drilling off the coast of Alaska.”

“Hydraulic fracturing is very important to energy production but Obama’s EPA is less likely to encourage it.”

Cassidy said the future will be bright if America and Louisiana in particular are allowed to develop their energy resources.

“We actually have plants moving back to the United States from China — not because of labor costs but because of energy costs.  We can’t compete with China on labor costs but our natural gas is very affordable.”

Regarding the terrorist attack on the U. S. consulate in Benghazi and the murder of the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans, Cassidy said emails sent during the attack show that it was not a demonstration against a video but a coordinated terrorist attack.  “They cut off roads and carried rocket grenades.  The attack occurred on 9/11.”

When asked whether Benghazi would be grounds for impeachment, Cassidy said it was too early to think of things like that. “I prefer not to speculate but I do know this.  We learn from history.  In the Battle of the Bulge, Eisenhower gathered his forces until he was strong enough.  You should never charge rashly ahead before you are ready!”

When asked what he can do to effect the outcome of the election, Cassidy turned the question and said, “It’s not about what I can do but about what we can do.  One of the most critical things is for you to call or email all of your friends in the swing states and urge them to vote for Mitt Romney for President. At this point, the TV commercials don’t mean much but your personal influence with your friends and relatives could be the thing that sways their vote.”

Cassidy has been endorsed in his reelection bid by the Republican Party of East Baton Rouge Parish.  He is opposed by Rufus Craig, Jr., a Libertarian, and Richard Torregano, who has no party affiliation.

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