Most Voters Unaware of $44 Million Tax Renewal

Most Voters Unaware of $44 Million Tax Renewal

Supporters Feel Being Quiet Best Way to Pass Tax

BATON ROUGE — Voters in most of the parish will go to the polls this Saturday to vote in a $44 million East Baton Rouge school tax renewal election.

Or, more correctly, this Saturday, a handful of parish voters — perhaps 7 percent of those registered — will vote in an election almost no one has heard about.

On the ballot are two propositions.  Proposition No. 1 would renew 6.5 mills in property taxes, which is expected to raise $21 million for operation of the schools.  Proposition No. 1 would renew 7.19 mills in property taxes, which is expected to raise $23 million for salaries for personnel.

The tax, which will be voted on in every precinct in the parish except Central, Baker, and Zachary, is for a 10-year period.

A source at the school board office said school officials decided to keep the election quiet among the general public and focus on turning out teachers and school employees, who would be likely to vote for the tax renewals.

The polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. this Saturday, April 6.

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